Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Most people have undoubtedly never heard of Aitor Throup.. but i have been following him for a while now.. he is one of the most inspiring illustrator/designers that i know... his work provokes a feeling, and I love work that can make you feel something. Recently he has teamed up with C.P. Company and has re-designed the iconic 1000m goggle jacket.. And developed a fashion installation to go along with it. View the interview on you tube.

New images from hedislimane.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just got these foto's from a while ago.. testing with Maia Harms. I paired my shorts with some Gaultier tops and other mix match things from Savannah Sok's closet!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dear Chicago: The great Alexander McQueen once said "When you get to a time of crisis you have to revert back to your art school mentality. You have to create an illusion and image that holds up to your name." I thought of that quote when I saw a couple of top secret spy foto's of steamy fashion vixen Sia Eliopoulos's new collection! The people on the cutting edge of fashion in this town are the ones behind locked studio doors on cold nights, they are also the ones that are waiting for a PBR behind you at the bar and the ones walking past you at 4am on the street!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Okay, so usually I like to be on set when my clothes are being used.. but every now and again.. I can't be there, or i am not invited.. so goes it young designer friends you never know what will happen when ur not there.. These foto's were taken by photographer Michael Donovan.. I don't know any more than that is my coat and dress on what I was told was an up-and coming actress..I hope i can find more foto's of this shoot.
Here I am on set, Joking around a bit and trying to look like Marky Mark..But then I wanted to do Bullwinkle for some reason.. Either way stay tuned for actual foto's of the March shoot with photographer Maia Harms